Can I Sell Framed Artworks?

Yes artists can submit and sell framed artworks, but we recommend that you sell your work unframed. That way the customer has more of a choice when it comes to frames, and it’s one less hassle for you. Plus we find that unframed works tend to sell better than framed ones.

We have a group of trusted framers we work with, so your work will be in excellent hands. You can read more about our framing services here.

If you do decide to submit framed works for sale, please do follow the photography guidelines for framed work.

We also advise you to submit secondary images of the artwork and frame so that the collector can get a good understanding of how the frame works.

Finally, please keep in mind that framed works can be damaged during transit especially if the glazing is made out of glass. Please keep this in mind and speak with the Rise Art team prior to shipping any frame made out of glass. 

If you have any further questions about our new framing policy, please feel free to get in touch with us at

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