Understanding your Analytics Dashboard

Your analytics dashboard allows you to track and analyse the impact of your profile and the artwork you present on  works on Rise Art. To help you better utilise this tool, here's a detailed explanation of the different statistics we’ve put at your disposal. 

Artwork Views

This figure represents the total number of times your works have been viewed by visitors on Rise Art. Every time a visitor clicks on one of your works, it is tallied in this section. 

You can use this information to adjust your use of the platform by noting when your artworks are receiving the most attention.

Adds to Wishlist 

This figure shows how many times your works have been added to visitors' wishlists. A wishlist is a feature that allows users to save their favourite works for future purchase. (One of your works can appear in several Wishlists).

An addition to a Wishlist is a strong indicator of interest and engagement.

Please note that we are not yet able to share the titles of the artworks that were wishlisted. This option may be introduced in the near future.

Profile Views

This indicates the number of times your profile was viewed by Rise Art visitors and collectors.

A frequently viewed profile means you're getting attention. This reflects the impact of your efforts to keep an updated profile and the quality of artwork you are showcasing.

Follower Count

The number of people following your profile. Every time you add a new work, they will receive updates via email.

A high number of followers indicates a loyal and engaged audience, which can increase your chances of future sales.

Adds to Cart

This figure indicates the number of times your any one of your works was added to shopping carts. (Note that one of your works may appear in several carts at once).

This metric can reflect collector engagement. 

Good to know: Our team keeps a close eye on this data and provides regular support to collectors that add to their cart without finalising the sale. In these cases, they will receive regular follow-ups from our Sales team to assist.


This figure corresponds to the number of works you have sold on Rise Art in the given date range. 

In a nutshell:

Your analytics dashboard is a powerful tool for tracking your progress and improving your presence on Rise Art. Using these indicators, you can adjust the rate at which you add new works and share your profile to attract more visitors and collectors. If you have any questions or need help interpreting this data, don't hesitate to contact us. 

Go further:

How to promote your work on Rise Art

How to improve your profile 

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